Diplomate Of The American Board Of Periodontology    A Professional Dental Corporation 


Systemic Disease

Significant information is available to support the importance of maintaining your oral health as it does have an effect on many systemic diseases.  The most common disease affected by this is diabetes which has a significant interrelationship with periodontal disease.  Other systemic problems include premature birth of low birth-weight babies in expectant mothers who have periodontal disease.  There is also convincing evidence that heart disease can be affected to some degree by long-term inflammatory periodontal disease.  New information is also being made available regarding the effect on periodontal disease and other respiratory diseases.   For more information regarding these specific diseases please go to (www.perio.org) and click on the information that you are most interested in learning about in more detail.

Thursday, September 14, 2006 12:39:16 PM

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